A Word From The Hammer

I just want it to be very clear, the opinions expressed in this blog are the sole expressions of the insanity escaping the skin barrier of Danny Hammer, its creator and (at the moment) sole contributor. Its purpose is strictly for entertainment (mostly at my expense, masochist that I am).

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Nothing but Savages out here.

So, I've been away from the blog for quite a while. So what? What were you doing that you had time to check up on whether I was posting here or not? I have updates though. So, if you're interested, keep reading. If not, jump down to the part where I go "Fuck off, mongrel." Here we go:

Days without orgasm: 48
Days since this whole thing began: 180
Days I'm going to go without an orgasm again on purpose: FUCKING ZERO

Ok, that was the update.

Um...your underwear is showing, never mind.
Now on to new business. This blog is going to be repurposed, recycled, re-invigorated and all around re-animated. Instead of updates on a ridiculous goal that is only appropriate for 12 year olds who crank it so much they get chafing, I'm just going to pour my personal brand of insanity into these posts. You know lots of boobs, asses, Rule 34, exotic food, boobs, camel toes, crazy shit I do, boobs, iPhone apps, and finally boobs (no uncle pedo, I will be accepting your photo collection for posting).

Anyway, that's the whole update.

It's the summer and that, of course, means Michael Bay is sitting in the corner of an enormous room in one of his huge houses jerking off to the CGI explosions that will someday pay for another huge house somewhere insane. Also, summer movies. I saw the Green Lantern. Here's my review: I saw it. It's nothing that it doesn't claim to be. There's a guy who wears a ring, it's green. He has a lantern, it's green. There's a training scene, a fight scene, and a denouement. 'Nuff said. 

In honor of recent events, I'll leave you with some pictures I found of Casey Anthony looking like a slut.

(note: I found so many pictures of her at parties that it's hard to believe she ever had time to work at Universal Studios at all)

Too bad none of us can say that, whore.
 Danny Hammer signing out.
P.S. Fuck you, Casey.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to see the return of my favorite monkey.
